slowing down and paying attention

I am using my lilac bush to keep me mindful of the extraordinary blessing of slowing down and paying attention to the cycle of life and the changes going on around me.

That decision began when we got our winter storms in February. I took a picture of the bush covered in ice because when spring arrived I wanted to be reminded of and have "proof" of the hardship it had endured before blooming.

Ten days ago I noticed green beginning to emerge. A closer look showed a tiny promise of a blossom. Seven days ago the green cloak around the buds had pulled back a little. Four days ago they began reaching out. Today the change was even more prominent.

Sometimes I  don't notice the growth and change going on around me because I am busy. It is easy to allow myself to become so consumed by activity I miss the start of life which means I am not tempted to watch for what comes next. Sometimes I get distracted by shiny new things and neglect the growth of what is already established. Other times I get bored because maturity takes time. 
I miss so much beauty and wonder and reason to celebrate and rejoice when I allow any of that to happen, especially when it relates to life and character. Mine and that of those I love.

"O Lord, please open my eyes to see and my ears to hear what you are doing in and around me. I don't want to take for granted or miss the blessing of life and growth. "


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