March madness

Disclaimer: this post doesn't have anything at all to do with basketball 
I knew early today,
right after I got the mail this morning in fact,
what today's post would be about
I just delayed writing it until tonight
I didn't begin with that title in mind 
but at the end of the day
I recognize
that the feelings I've been wrestling with recently
are largely fueled by frustration and pain 
which makes me mad
not quite angry,
but I could easily escalate to that level

there were five pieces of mail in my box
one for "future Kinetic customer"
one for Deborah
one for David
one for Donnette Bondurant or current resident
all junk mail easily discarded,
almost before I got into the house

I did not miscount
the last piece of mail was for Bill

he has been not at this address for more than six and a half years
gradually I've reached the point that receiving mail for him doesn't bother me
I think it is ironic that AARP, Medicaid, life insurance companies etc. 
have all kinds of great offers for him
but today was a new one
and after shaking my head
my blood began to heat up a little
normally this kind of envelope gets shredded immediately
but today it didn't
in that lower right hand corner is a warning-
Angel Medallion Is Coming
It's Blessed. DO NOT SHRED!

I mean,
with a warning/message like that, 
how could I follow my normal routine?
Instead I opened the envelope
and I could feel my annoyance rising...

I am pretty sure Bill doesn't need a sign from the Lord about his future
I disregarded the instructions/warning 
I broke the seal on this letter of prophecy 
with no intent of doing any of the things in bold print
or any other print, even if it was highlighted or in color
that large piece of paper
(yes, paper)
is a prayer rug 
and Bill is supposed to kneel on it, or touch it to his knees
I guess knees hold the activation code

if you look at Jesus, He has His eyes closed,
but if you look long enough His eyes open and He looks at you
and all this "very old" church wants to do is bless Bill
this prayer rug, which needs to be returned today or by sunset tomorrow,
is a very large component of receiving all the good stuff promised

there is a reply page to return with the rug that begins with this greeting:
"Dear Brothers and Sisters at Saint Matthew's 70 year old church..."
with boxes to check for the blessings you want to receive
and a place to include the amount of seed money you are sending
all so Bill will receive blessings
and the blessings can be passed onto others
but only if we follow all the instructions in this letter

why am I aggravated?
why this long post about junk mail?
70 years is not old, let alone very old
Especially for a church

I am mad
mad at organizations that send out things like this
mad that Bill isn't here to open his own mail
mad at things I cannot even identify
and I am angry at the devil and sin and death and hell
I am hoping this March madness doesn't last all month long...


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