spring eggs are best

It's that time of year.
Very nearly spring.
And every spring, 
I can't help myself, I crave eggs.
Eating them, 
every single day of the week,
doesn't get old to me.
I have two for breakfast almost every morning,
and every March I am tempted to add an extra egg every night to finish out the year.

I have a dozen and a half left in the fridge.
I'll need to visit the farm later this week to restock my breakfast food.
I  found my night time eggs Friday.
I limited myself to purchasing just three.
This is Saturday.
I am down to one egg.
I can't afford to restock.
Not financially, but physically.
A Cadbury egg every night for the rest of the year is not a wise choice.

And don't get me started on Peeps.
I didn't allow myself to even look for those on Friday.
I did see some at Dollar Tree today, but resisted the purchase.
A whole dozen of those can easily disappear in a day!
I wish spring, chicken themed treats weren't so appealing to me.
I am proud of my self restraint. 
I bought only 3 Cadbury eggs and I resisted the Reece eggs altogether! Baby steps.


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