I forgot...

I forgot I planted more crocus bulbs last fall.
I knew I had dark purple ones, one bloomed two weeks ago.
I knew more crocus were ready to "pop" soon,
but I did not expect this rainbow of color Friday afternoon!
Deep orange, dark purple, light purple, white, yellow, big dose of happy.
I forgot, until I opened boxes from Walmart today, how frugal I once was.
There was a time I would iron packing paper that had been crumpled.
It gave the kids something to different to draw or color on.
I still have a hard time throwing away "good" paper.
So today I straightened and rolled it for wrapping breakables at the thrift store.
I forgot how much I enjoy living in my small town.
How much I enjoy our Main Street,
with businesses that close by six.
Unusual? Old fashioned? Last Century? Yes.
Family owned businesses where people know your name are a rarity.

I forgot how lovely it is for it to still be light at 6:45 pm.
It has been a long twelve months.
Covid and a variety of other "big" things have taken a toll on us on many levels.
To be able to enjoy the sun a little later is a breath of fresh air.
A balm for my weary soul.
I forgot how fun it is to use Elmer's glue.
I found something at the thrift store today I think the grandkids will enjoy.
A Melissa and Doug Dinosaur puzzle.
There was one piece with part of the paper rolled back.
A little Elmer's took care of it and made me feel accomplished.

This evening I find myself contemplating, wondering what other "ordinary" or small things I've forgotten, overlook, am blind to or take for granted. 
Simple things are beautiful in a wonderful, deeply satisfying way.


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