what do all of these have in common?

I use all of these things on a regular basis. Four of them are employed daily, for very different purposes, and as varied as the six are, they share one thing in common. They are filters and I need them. To not use them can cause damage or destruction.

The first picture is a lint catcher. It keeps little fibers from going where they should not be in the dryer and helps prevent a fire.

The white canister is a Brita water filter. If you've drank Grayson water without filtering it you will know why this one is important. 

The rectangular blue thing is the air return filter for my H/A unit. Well, it is supposed to be blue. It is actually almost black in this photo because it has done it's job. It keeps dust and other small objects, including cheerios, from getting into my duct system.

The fourth picture is two of the filters from my vacuum cleaner. Without them it wouldn't last long and it definitely would not work well.

The sink strainer keeps particles from getting into and stopping up my drains. I like my plumber, but I'd rather not have to see him on a regular basis.

Then there is my coffee filter. I have actually made coffee without it. More than once unfortunately. It is never a pleasant experience. I have to toss the drink out, clean the coffee maker and my mug and start over. It is never the filter's fault, it is always mine for not making sure it is in place! 

Why all this talk about random filters? Yesterday I read something on FB. My immediate thought was "man, they forgot their filter!" It has been fresh on my mind all day and as I went about my routine I recognized how important filters are. It isn't enough to have them "on hand". They have to be maintained, they have to be properly placed, they have to be used per the instructions to be worth having. Sometimes we don't recognize their value until we forget or neglect to use them!

The most important filter in my life, the one that has the most impact, doesn't have any holes in it nor does it have a screen-like appearance. But it is vital. It isn't enough to have it laying close by. I have to pick it up and open it. The Holy Spirit then uses what I read to "catch" my bad attitudes, my sins, and reveal them to me. It purifies my thoughts so they are worth thinking. It reminds me of who and whose I am. It keeps me from allowing things to get to places they shouldn't be. It teaches me the character of God. Without it my life would not work the way it is intended to work as God's child. My relationships with people and my Father would suffer much damage. 
I highly suggest daily use. 
The B-I-B-L-E, 
yes that's the book for me, 
I stand alone on the word of God, 
the B-I-B-L-E! 


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