let the fun begin!

There are very few things Bill and I disagreed on. Yesterday I was reminded of one of them when I took a good look at my back yard. It isn't Easter yet. The yard should never be mowed before Easter. But man, it needed it. I was the one with the timing rule. How could I hide eggs for the kids in short grass? Bill was the one who saw what needed to be done. Today I saw it too, so this evening out came some of my favorite tools. 

If all the grass looked like the picture on the left, there would have been no mowing. But more than half of the back yard was tall and thick, like the picture on the right. I keep my mower set about half way so it doesn't cut real short, and there were patches it got bogged down and almost stalled out. 
I had to document how much of a difference mowing made.
A 33 gallon trash bag about 2/3's full is a lot of grass for a mid March mowing.
I've always liked to mow. It was a paying job when I was a teen. It was definitely my favorite task when the kids were home. It was the one necessary job I could do, they could go out and play to their heart's content, and the area they'd played in still looked like I'd accomplished something when they were done. A freshly mown and trimmed lawn is still satisfying to me. A bonus is the delight of the smell afterward.

I was concerned for about half a minute about what my neighbors might be thinking. Then I decided it didn't matter what they thought. It's my lawn. I can mow  whenever I want to. And they probably weren't thinking about me or what I was doing at all! Sometimes I get concerned about the silliest things. I think it is the devil trying to discourage and distract me and steal my joy. I ain't gonna let him do that! 
(Don't let him steal yours either.)


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