sometimes love is spelled L-E-G-O

I have no idea of how much money I have invested in Legos over the past 40 years. It began with Duplo blocks when Beth and Sarah were old enough to begin building. My boys especially enjoyed building with them and at the appropriate age we began buying them Legos. When they married, their Legos went with them, but the Duplos stayed at my house for the grandkids. As their children who are interested in such things have gotten old enough I have bought sets for them. Beginning with Duplos and graduating (or downsizing, depending on how you look at it) to Legos. It's been fun to buy them for the next generation of builders and dreamers and creators!

Duplos have been the only Legos in this grandma's closet for years because I am too old to be worrying about one of the youngin's choking when they're here. Until recently. Last fall, when planning for Christmas gifts I asked about a Duplo set for one of the youngest youngin's and was kindly guided to purchase a Lego set instead because the youngin isn't so young anymore. He no longer puts things in his mouth. It was a little disorienting to realize I could begin to buy Legos for my home again.

Since then I've redeemed my Kohl's cash for Lego sets. I've also been on the lookout for them when I go to Goodwill or walk down a clearance aisle because I want to stockpile for the times you just need to be able to build whatever you want to build. And my philosophy with Legos (as well as loved ones) is "the more the merrier".

Today I went to visit a friend. She didn't know I was coming, but she had a surprise waiting for me. Legos! What I appreciate even more than the Lego's is the gift of friends who are willing to look out for and invest in my family even if they never get the benefit of watching the fun unfold. Sometimes love is spelled L-e-g-o-s.


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