Daylight Savings Time Blessing

The time change is never something I look forward, spring especially, but it sure has had a huge impact this year! If we hadn't had to set our clocks ahead an hour yesterday I wouldn't have been up as early I was this morning. I sat down a little after 7 to have my time with Jesus before going to share a devotion with a group of friends at 8. It was dark. Like black/blue dark. Every 5 minutes or so my eyes were drawn to to the windows in my library and from the backside of the sunrise, I watched the darkness unfold. It was an interesting, beautiful thing.

The dark, black/blue gave way to midnight blue and gradually evolved into lighter shades as I watched "hope" enter the day. When I saw streaks of pink begin to tinge the sky to the west I quickly got up out of my comfortable chair, laid aside my journal and pen and took my camera to the back porch, facing the east.
If I had carried on business as usual-
sleeping later,
not bothered to look up as I journaled
or put off going to look when I noticed the changes,
I would have missed this because it only lasted a few short minutes:
"The heavens are telling of the glory of God;
And their expanse is declaring the work of His hands."
Psalm 19:1
The first two pictures below are the sky just minutes after this display of wonder and delight. The third is what it has looked like the rest of this day-

and while I like gray as a neutral color, I am beyond thankful I didn't miss the incredibly beautiful, awe inspiring, vivid introduction this morning. 


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