until next time...

one week
hours and hours of dirty work
three trips to Lowe's in Morehead
one trip to Gibbs True Value and a stop by Potter's plumbing in Grayson
drywall hung 
ceilings textured
ceilings painted
bifold closet doors hung (no easy feat with how out of square the openings are)
outside faucet replaced and repositioned
outside lights don't move when plugging and unplugging cords
tub and shower re-caulked
light switches by the front and back door moved so they make sense
door hinges greased so they don't squeak and groan
locks lubricated so they don't stick
storm door that I removed because it jammed and locked me out, rehung properly
shower innards replaced so I have hot, not warm, water
no more leaking outdoor hoses
several trips under the house to find and remove whatever was dead
I'm sure this list is incomplete 

the best part of the week?
time spent with Greg, Mike and Jeremy in my home,
most lunches and every supper together
evening conversations
the worst part about company coming is not the cleaning and shopping beforehand,
it's their leaving for their home and saying "until next time"
I'm gonna miss these three and their shenanigans


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