when you hire a brother and nephews...

I have work well beyond my scope of expertise that needs done at the house. My brother Greg and his sons Michael and Jeremy agreed to come and spend this week whittling away at my list. I left for small group this evening knowing they would arrive while I was gone. I made sure they had a key so they wouldn't have to sit in their vehicle. I turned the corner from the hallway into the kitchen to this view:
I chuckled and asked if they were fighting and they laughed as they said "no". 
I asked the next logical question- 
was this new seating arrangement to keep them from it?  
I told Greg as I hugged him, 
"this takes 'make yourself at home' to a whole new level!" 

They quickly turned things around and put them to rights.

I am thankful and happy to have them in my home, not just because by the time they leave my list of projects will be greatly diminished and more areas of my home will be turned around and put to rights. No, I am more glad to have them here because those couches look much more right with people I love sitting on them, even backward, than they do facing one another, empty.


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