I had a dream...

you know how sometimes you can dream,
wake up knowing you've dreamed,
but have no idea of what the dream was about?

or the details are fuzzy, like you have the gist of it, but can't recall specifics?

or parts of the dream come together, but it's like listening to a scratched vinyl?

I had a dream Thursday night
and it fit none of those categories
my dream was vivid-
and that is what makes it both beautiful
and sad

I don't know where he'd been,
but Bill was finally home 
standing in front of me
he reached out his arms,
and gathered me in close 
I can still feel his chest against mine,
in a hug tight enough our hearts could have beat together

I pulled away first,
thinking he was probably hungry 
or might need me to do something for him

I asked
"do you want..."
and before I could finish the sentence
 he replied
"I just want to hold my wife."
so I stepped back into his embrace
more than content to be held

I woke up
and realized it was only a dream
one of those that both fills and drains you
one that has followed me all day
one I wouldn't mind having again


  1. Oh Donnette, I love you so much. I felt like I could see you there in the hug so happy. I think of you two so much and never think to tell you. Big hugs.


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