spring cleaning

I began and I finished my most pressing spring cleaning this afternoon

my back porch futon is vacuumed so I can sit and read

or have more seating for company, so y'all come visit me!

my old fashioned cabbage rose is pruned and tied back

the night flowering jasmine was showing signs of growth
so I tackled cleaning it up 

the succulent in the front flower bed needed trimmed

and while trimming it I discovered signs that my bleeding heart is healthy

the hardest part of this task is taking care of what I trim off of the plants
that is a job Bill assigned himself
and I have dreaded that last 15 minutes of this spring cleaning since 2015
I didn't love doing it today, 
but I didn't cry during or after stuffing the trash bag with waste
I'm taking that as a sign that my emotional heart is growing stronger too
I may very well cry later, 
but this is the first year I've gone tearless,
gradually I've accepted and adjusted to this very different life I live


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