Good grief, it's a ball game!

Last Monday, April 26, I was up until after 1AM. When I finally laid down I heard noises coming from the front of my house. It wasn't the first time, but it was the first time in a long time I wished someone was here with me. Especially when I realized it sounded like it might be people and they were close. Too close for comfort. Straining to hear what was being said I was torn between pretending it wasn't a loud voice and concern that it was. "Nothing good happens after midnight" ran through my head. Fear that someone was being hurt, I finally braved barely moving the curtain and blinds to peek out. I couldn't see anyone, but being that close to the window confirmed I was hearing voices, and they were not in my head. It was a mostly one sided conversation. I was too chicken to open the window. I sat in my glider rocker and tried to discern what was being said through double paned glass. I thought about ignoring whatever was going on  and going to bed. I knew I wouldn't sleep if I did that, but thought it might be worth a try. Finally I gave up. They weren't moving on down the road and I had to know what was happening so I could rest without guilt of not coming to someone's aid by calling 911 if they needed help. I threw caution to the wind, easier to do from the second floor, and fully opened the curtains, the blind and slowly raised the window so I wouldn't startle whoever was out there. I needn't have worried. I still don't know where it was coming from, but it didn't take long to identify the familiar sounds of a baseball game being broadcast. Dodgers were up to bat. Oh the punch a sound can deliver. Assaulted by memories of Bill listening to late night games, I lowered the window so whoever was listening to the game, rather loudly, wouldn't hear my ugly cry. As I wrote this post I did a google search and found out they were playing the Reds. The Reds won. Bill would have liked that. Good grief is grief recognized, acknowledged and expressed rather than ignored. Not to boast, but I'm getting really good at it. Experience has some benefits...


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