tag, you're it

Another full day ended with a visit to the city park and a game of tag. I held down a park bench while Deborah, Abigail, Selah, Gabriel and Moriah played. Listen for Moriah's sweet voice, alerting everyone to her status as a competitor. 

As I sat watching rather than joining in, I recalled ancient history, back to the era when I played tag with my kids. That remembrance was the fuel for a bold decision. With only minutes left before we were heading back to the house for baths and a bedtime snack, with Abigail reading and Selah distracted I decided I could take on Gabriel (5) and Moriah (3) in a game of tag.

It was abundantly evident within the first minute that the only tag I am fit enough to play competitively, regardless of the age and skill of the other players, is phone tag. My evaluation was confirmed when Gabriel said "Grandma, you can play, for real." He was completely serious and totally innocent, unaware that I WAS playing for real, as real as I possibly could. Deborah and I laughed so hard I almost wet my pants. 

What a beautiful way to end the day.


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