
photos are of Mount Hood in Oregon from when I visited Ruth and family in Dec. 2019
following info compliments of google:
Mount Hood is a potentially active stratovolcano in the Cascade Volcanic Arc. It was formed by a subduction zone on the Pacific coast and rests in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States. It is located about 50 miles east-southeast of Portland, on the border between Clackamas and Hood River counties. Wikipedia 
Elevation11,250′ Prominence7,707′

I have a habit of getting caught up in and fixated on part of the lyrics in a song. And I don't always get the words exactly right. Today as I drove home from Ohio that happened and as I heard what the artists were singing as opposed to what I've been singing, I came to a mental stop to evaluate. 

I was singing, with joy and confidence, "Can He move every mountain, can He part every sea? Yes He did, so yes He can." 

The correct lyrics:

"Did He move every mountain? Did He part every sea? Yes He did, so yes He can."

Suddenly the attraction of the song, for me, was dimmed. Why? Because there have been times in my life God did not move the mountain. He did not part the sea. 

Can He?

Yes, He has, so yes, He can. 
But just because He can doesn't mean He will.

For me, His faithfulness is not measured by what He removes, nor by what He leaves. His faithfulness is not measured by what He parts.
His faithfulness is much deeper and much richer and much more powerful than that.

Friend, don't believe the lies that if He hasn't moved the mountain or parted the sea in your life, that He doesn't care, or your faith isn't big enough, or you have unconfessed sin, or He isn't faithful or He doesn't love you or any of the other fiery darts the enemy shoots your way. Stand firm and steadfast in the truth that you are loved, God sees, He cares and He is working an eternal plan. Sometimes it involves moving mountains and parting seas, but sometimes it means walking over a mountain, through a valley, on top of the water or resting beside it, waiting patiently while God does what only He can do.


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