Monday rest, keeping tools in their proper place

Resting may be something I need, no strike that, resting IS DEFINITELY something I need to intentionally practice, but it is not something I am good at for an extended amount of time, especially from my phone and computer. 

I plugged my devices in to charge Sunday night a little before midnight and began a self-imposed/prescribed rest for my physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. Twelve hours total and most of that would be spent sleeping. No big deal, right? 


When I woke up this morning and the first thing I thought about was reaching for my phone, (which I had wisely left downstairs), there was no denying I have allowed an unhealthy habit to creep into my life. Looking at emails and facebook before getting out of bed wasn't something I set out to make a regular practice the first time I did it.

I kept an eye on the clock while eating breakfast and after my time alone with Jesus, not because I had an appointment, but because I wanted to calculate how much longer it would be before I could get my phone and open my computer. 

10:30 am.  My inside rest areas had too many temptations so I headed outside. When I spent what surely was "long enough" on the porch swing with just myself, random birds and the dogs for company I went inside to begin my day. It was only 11:00. I took a deep breath, made a second cup of coffee and returned to the porch. 

I knew it had to be noon and went back inside. It was barely 11:30. I rinsed my mug, put it in the dishwasher and returned to the porch. 

The next time I went in it was 11:55. Only 5 minutes short of noon. I opened the door to walk to the mailbox and stopped before stepping onto the porch. There could be something frustrating or tear inducing in the mail. Why did I want to deny myself those last few minutes of mental and emotional rest? I shut the storm door and stood looking out the window like a little kid waiting for someone they love to come home. Those last few minutes of my much needed "vacation" passed quickly.

As the last hour and a half stretched on and on, I knew this decision to rest was one of the best I have made in awhile. The temptations to "do a little job" or to read or make a mental list of what I needed to do after I was done resting this morning were present, but by far the biggest challenge was to not take a peek at my phone or computer. I am thankful I didn't even unplug either device until after noon, a decision I made because I had a suspicion I would not honor my commitment to myself to not look at the content on them if I touched them. It would have been like opening a bag of my favorite snack when I had the munchies and not eating any of it. 

Today made me aware I am dangerously close to addiction when it comes to how I use my phone and computer. To keep them in their proper places- tools I use, not masters of my time and thoughts- I am making device free Monday morning an intentional, regular discipline. 
Will it be easy? I doubt it. 
Will it be worth it in the long run? Absolutely.


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