my bags are packed...

it's that time of year again 
my bags are packed:
Bible, journal, prayer sheets, computer (will be after I write this post)
clothes, extra clothes, sheets, blanket, quilt, towels, wash cloths, bug spray
foam flip bed to put atop the fine mattress on the camp bunk bed

I'm ready to go

camp team training is about to begin
an intense few days where a few adults pour into a few college students
then send them out to work in Christian Camps throughout the summer
hoping and praying they are a little more prepared 
to pour into the lives of teenagers
some who will come from healthy, Christian homes,
some who will have no idea of who Jesus is

I'd appreciate your prayers this next few days for us as we do "training"
and over the summer for the students who will be going to camp-
both those going to serve and those who will be attending as campers

church/service camps tend to be a little more off the grid,
so internet and cell service may or may not be available at our training facility,
because of that, don't be concerned if this place is silent until Thursday


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