the gift that keeps giving...

 Do any of you remember my beer bread mix fiasco? That one time when my friend Anita gave me a mix to bake for her and when I opened the bottle it exploded in my face and there was dry powder all over me, all over my stove, all over my floor, in my hair, you get the idea, it was everywhere. I spent a significant amount of time cleaning my kitchen that day. And afterward, laughed so hard I almost wet my pants. Especially when I told Anita, than later, Tiffany and Garrett about it and they about fell off their chairs laughing when I showed them the selfie I took. (For anyone who missed it or has forgotten, here are the pictures from that day.)

Today I worked on deep cleaning my kitchen. It and my laundry room are the only two left in my home. Gabriel ahs asthma so I want everything to be as dust free as possible for Deborah and her family when they arrive next week. I knew there was dust from the "demolition" and drywall work from my brother and nephews did last month. And no matter how careful one is, those two types of work lend themselves to dust filtering everywhere. You may not be able to see it, but it is there. Evidenced by what the water has looked like as I've cleaned.

The last difficult area to clean was the cabinet above the fridge and the wall behind it. When moved it so I could work I couldn't believe my eyes-

How in the world? I know I moved that beast and cleaned the side of it, under it and the wall behind it when the mix exploded-but like the demo and drywall dust, it filtered down and settled in a place I couldn't see after it made itself at home. Hopefully there are no more hiding places and this is the last I see of that beer bread! (It did make me laugh again to look back at the original photos, so it wasn't all bad.)


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