rest areas

tonight I find myself recognizing a need I am prone to ignore

one that is easily undervalued

a need that is sometimes ridiculed or misunderstood by others

I feel it deeply,

in my whole being,

from the inside out

the need to pause

the craving to simply be still

to cease striving

to slow down

to be quiet

to listen

to not give in to the pressure/expectations to fill in all the "empty spaces"





And so Sunday May 2,2021 at 11:18pm I am making a counterintuitive commitment to myself to practice a new discipline this week. Monday, until at least noon, will be spent as a Sabbath. 

no phone

no games on my computer

no emails or facebook 

no spring cleaning

no shopping

and every day this week will have at least fifteen minutes of this

will it become a weekly practice? 

I don't know. 

What I do know is that I have way too much that absolutely needs to be done this week to ignore the persistent and loud call in my spirit for the need to rest. 

my three favorite home rest areas 

do you have a place in your home?


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