who spilled the beans?

The day began with coffee beans cascading out of the ziploc bag that wasn't zipped all over the kitchen floor. And these weren't just any old run of the mill coffee beans, these were yummy Costa RIcan coffee beans, a gift from a friend.

One of the ornaments I filled with shells to hang on the memory tree was accidently bumped and fell off, scattering shells all over the library floor not long after that. The three year old looked at me and repeated, several times, "I sowwy, it was an agzident..." Coffee beans fresh on my mind, I smiled and told her to pick them up and put them back in the container. I just remembered I still have sand to clean up. That's a great job for tomorrow.

A little later bubbles were spilled all over the porch. (One of the major reasons they are an outside activity, because no matter how careful they are, it inevitably happens to one of them.)

We went shopping for the finishing touches for the kids summer wardrobes-especially bathing suits. Four hours and four stores later, (including a walk and a couple bathroom stops back at the house) we were still short some vital articles of clothing so we drove to Walmart, where investing two hours paid off. 




and while my feet and legs are aching tonight, asking me what in the world I was thinking, what I will remember about today is not any of what I have shared. Instead it will be:

  • the feeling of a little hand in mine as we crossed streets
  • smiles when things fit
  • "mmmmm, that's good" after a snack of sprinkled coated, glazed donut holes
if spills are the worst thing that happen in a day, it's been a good day


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