all the bags are packed

Happy faces Sunday night.
It was a great summer.
Most of the things we wanted to do, we experienced.
They were able to share time with 99% of the people they wanted to connect with.
There was even a little bit of down time.

All the "things" that needed to be done in order to go home were crossed off the list.
Covid tests done in a timely manner,
last loads of laundry clean, dry and packed,
backpacks with surprises ready for the kids.
Not only were the suitcases and carry ons packed,
most of the luggage was also loaded into the car a whole day early!
Two carry ons for last minute items were all that remained in the house.

Last minute stuff always seems to cause a few minute delay in targeted departure, 
but we left Grayson with everyone and everything accounted for
with plenty of time to get to the airport.

The closer we got to Lexington,
the thicker, darker and more threatening the clouds became.
Deborah and I joked, hoping it wasn't an omen.

Another thing that got heavier and darker the closer we got to the airport
was the weight of a missing email,
the one with the COVID test results.

Deborah went into the terminal to talk to a ticket agent.
Summary of that conversation:
no negative result
no boarding the plane
We spent two hours looking for a solution, none was found.

We watched planes land.
We watched planes take off,
(including the one they were supposed to be on)
while David was inside the terminal changing tickets.
New departure date is Thursday.

If you are a praying person, we'd appreciate your prayers that one of the two places they have appointments for tomorrow will be able to not only do the testing but get the results back to them in a timely manner. It's a complicated process when you are travelling overseas and have to figure in travel time and coordinate appointment times late enough to be valid for entry into the country of your final destination and factor in processing time for the testing.

Deborah and family are chilling safely in Lexington. I am relaxing with and being spoiled by friends in Harrodsburg. Not only did they treat me to supper, my very first chicken tator, Kim made a fresh pot of coffee and saved the best part of the brownies for me! A corner. 
I highly recommend the combination of good food shared with good friends.

The chicken tator is pictured below, one bite and I knew it had to be documented for this post. The brownie corner-one bite and I had no thought other than savoring every crumb. Taking a picture never entered my mind until it was gone. You'll just have to trust me that it was delicious. My belly is full and happy. 

Chicken tator: a baked potato loaded with bacon pieces, sweet bell peppers, mushrooms, cheddar cheese and chunks of tender, well seasoned chicken. 


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