all my heart...


on a perfect day, 
I saw this meme
it wasn't a day where everything was going perfectly,
and that is what made it a perfect day to see it

it helped me put things in perspective
it reminded me that my heart carries things my mind doesn't see
and that it is normal
and it is okay
and other people are carrying things too

it is a reminder 
to be kind, 
to be patient, 
to be compassionate,
to be forgiving

it is also a challenge to be mindful of mental health
to address things I am aware of
and to resolve them if I can
to acknowledge emotions
and to express them appropriately

sometimes it takes stubbing my toe,
to pay attention to the load I am carrying
there is no stuffing or ignoring or explaining away the mess when it spills out,
but there is hope for healing and wholeness when I address the issues


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