in over my head

I took a little walk to check the raspberry/strawberry patch today. Uh oh. I shouldn't have turned a blind eye to what I saw a two weeks ago. Now I was, literally, in over my head if I opened the gate. But if I didn't, the fruit would be choked out by the weeds. So I ventured in.

I didn't focus on the daunting weed density. My plan was to start with the most obvious issue-the weeds that were taller than I am. There were only a few, but that gray cloud over my shoulder was quickly joined by more gray clouds and I only got two pulled before a storm let loose this afternoon. I sat under an umbrella for half of soccer practice this evening and didn't get home until 8:30. Too late to return to the work I'd started earlier-or was it?

As the sun finished setting, I began working, simply looking at what needed to be pulled next in order to make at least a small amount of progress. 
The raspberries have new growth that was keeping me from being able to get to some of the weeds, so I stood to retrieve twine and scissors from the shed. When I turned I saw the most glorious colors as the sun whispered goodnight.
The street light in the alley helped illuminate most of the garden after daylight was done so I kept working. Progress was easier than I anticipated. There is one portion that the light doesn't reach and it was too dark to continue. Or was it? I found a flashlight in the shed and used it so I could finish the job.
It feels good to not be in over my head anymore-at least in the fruit patch!


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