death stinks

I came home from Harrodsburg to another dead possum in the backyard. 
That's never good or pleasant.
When I got close enough to scoop it into a bag I knew it wasn't fresh.
It was ugly.
It stunk. 

I went to soccer practice,
leaving the possum to deal with afterwards.
Almost every time I am on the street behind Waters Hall at KCU
my eyes are drawn to the place on the hill where Bill's body is buried.
I don't often stop.

Today I thought I saw something out of place.
It looked like something had blown in front of it.
When I got close I realized all was as it should be.

It has been almost 7 years since we were here with a casket in front of us,
that's a long time,
but today it was fresh.
As I removed the faded flowers from the top of the headstone I thought,
"This is not what should be." *

Death stinks.

*I am not questioning God.
I do not blame God for Bill's death.
God is the Creator and Sustainer of life and all things good in life.
I am angry at  Satan and sin.
That is the source and cause of death and all things not good.


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