dragonfly life changer

Sarah has transformed an afterthought by the previous owners into a cozy, tranquil, restful place. It is where I spent Thursday and Friday mornings alone with the Lord while the Markey and Funk cousins played inside.

My chair of choice is the one on the left as you face them straight on. It is closest to the outside door. Friday I put the bag that holds my journal, Bible, prayer sheets, study material and computer on the floor, my breakfast on the table and sat down. But just for a moment because I noticed something at the storm door:

Somehow a dragonfly had found its way inside. It was trying desperately to find its way back out, but it was impossible for it to fly through that glass and it sure couldn't open the door. It could see where it needed to be but it was powerless to get there on its own. What was a place of pleasure and relaxation for me was a prison for him. It was in my power to set him free and it cost me next to nothing, but it was life changing, maybe even life saving for him.
The last I saw of him was his backend as it flew off the deck, past the trees. 

I could have missed it.
I could have been so caught up in my routine, 
in doing a good thing,
a necessary thing if my relationship with God is going to be healthy,
that I missed a ministry opportunity.

I'm not advocating rescuing dragonflies over spending time alone with God.
I am saying occasionally a delay in routine may be necessary 
to help someone find freedom they cannot achieve on their own,
and doing so will change things, 
for you and for them and it may save a life.

Also, what is comfortable for me
may be a living hell for someone else.
I want to be aware,
I want to be available,
I want to do what I can so others can live their best life too.

God used a dragonfly in distress
to remind me to be aware of what's going on in my little corner of the world,
wherever that may be.
To be willing to go out of my way,
to make adjustments to my plans when necessary.
This morning it was a simple dragonfly,
in the future it could be a person...


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