significant revelation

in late December I received my word for 2021 
significant was added sometime in early January
so I have been praying,
and watching,
and looking,
not wanting to miss whatever big thing God has for me
Crest Gel is my toothpaste of choice
when I looked to order it last week it had more than doubled in price on Amazon. To change is significant. I am a creature of habit. Colgate was what Bill used. It is available at Dollar Tree and is significantly cheaper than what I usually pay for Crest so I purchased some. I used it once last week and all I could taste was kissing Bill.

I just can't do it. 
My life kissing and living with Bill ended almost seven years ago.
As cheap as Colgate is, switching is not the significant change God has for me. 

Today as I finished walking I got a revelation of the definition of significant change. The understanding has been slowly unfolding, 
driven home yesterday, but not realized until today. 

Monday morning I moved the hand soap from the left corner to the right corner of the kitchen sink. I have always done dishes left to right and washed my hands in the right side of the sink, keeping the dirt from my hands separate from the place I clean my dishes. But people who don't know that unspoken rule would not be aware of it and would naturally wash their hands on the dishes side where the hand soap sits. Or sat.

Last evening I "flipped" my living room.

Creating more open space for eating and games and a more cozy, intimate nook for conversation or reading.

I've been crossing the street at the crosswalk instead of jaywalking.

For about a week, more often than not,  I've been drinking water with breakfast and throughout the morning, leaving coffee for the afternoon.

Significance has nothing to do with the size of a change.
Significance has a whole lot to do with the impact of the change.
So friend, carry on with your small changes that are significantly changing your life.


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