we did it!


when they first arrived in May Abigail had one request:
"Grandma, do you think you could make me a cape while I am here this summer?"
Take a wild guess at my answer...

She had a very specific style in mind.
A particular shade of red.
A preferred flow for the fabric.
No buttons or ties-
only a broach would do to hold it together.

Slowly the correct supplies were gathered.
Then some unexpected travel came up.
They leave in ten days.
Thursday evening she asked if maybe we could work on the cape on Friday.
Guess what my answer was...

we got a late start but I am happy to report that it is done.
as a matter of fact, 
Selah's is done as well

two individuals
two very different ideas
two happy girls

learning how to pin a pattern
cutting the fabric
first time using a sewing machine

for her too
final products
look at those smiles

we finished just short of burning the midnight oil

trying to fit two years worth of experiences
into about six weeks of availability 
means doing things when the opportunity arises!


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