this boy

This boy came to Grayson in mid May a climber. One of the first questions his momma and papa asked was if it was okay of he climbed the walls in the kitchen hallway (yes, I mean that literally) because he does it at home. Totally understandable to encourage wall climbing when you need safe, indoor ways to burn energy because you live in a climate where winter comes early, lasts long and is cold. Summer comes too, but the mosquitoes are wicked and almost big enough to carry you off. He is active, but was cautious, sometimes overly so and timid like this bunny.       

He has grown.
He has overcome many of his fears.
Just a few of them:
He learned how to swim.
He likes my dogs.
He is willing to play outside by himself.
And he is taller. 
There have been many times this summer 
I have recognized Bondurant in this Markey boy.
When he aggravates his sister like Andrew was prone to do.

I have seen and heard Bill in him...
He likes to be silly, especially if it will make others smile or laugh...

I see his papa in him too-
like when he asks to do push up competitions with David
and when he kept trying until he made it all the way across the bars.

Today I saw his great grandma Bondurant in him.
A friend came to play and when they left he stood the the door,
waving until they were out of sight.

Mom has always done that.
It's one of my favorite things-
knowing that someone loves me 
and misses me so much when I am gone
that they want to savor every last moment they can.


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