
In the midst of cape making Friday night Moriah met with a little accident while she was trying to rescue her baby. Her doll was in the wagon and when she reached in to pull her out, the wagon rolled and Moriah followed it; right off the porch, face first. And yes, that goose egg on her forehead was as big as it looks like it might be.
Pre COVID I moved all of the items we had stored in and behind my shed for a yard sale and put it in the kids playhouse, covered it with a tarp and organized my building. I anticipated a yard sale in 2020. That didn't happen. Friday afternoon David and I were talking about some projects I have on my to do list. Emptying the clubhouse and going through the things stored there, organizing it and tossing anything that had been damaged was one of the things I mentioned. Selah overheard that line item and was very interested in getting it done pronto. Cape making was already on the agenda so she asked if we could do it Saturday. It cooled down enough by evening that sooner rather than later seemed my best option. I wish I'd taken a picture of the clubhouse and then the porch before we began sorting and purging. I made four or five trips to  the dumpster before anything ever hit the porch! These pictures were taken when we were about a third of the way through.

To the uninformed, those who weren't here to see the before, the following two pictures might look like no progress was made. That there is nothing but a big mess.That would be a faulty assessment. The swelling on Moriah's forehead is almost completely gone. And everything you see on the porch has been gone through and 90% of it has someplace to go. We'd have it cleaned off, but my car is full and so is the available space in Deborah's vehicle pending delivery.
All of that to say, dear friend, if you know you have or are making progress, but people from the outside looking in can only see the mess- don't listen to their negative talk-hold your head high and relish the victory of making progress!


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