Happy Anniversary to me

August 6, 1977 
44 years ago today,
I said "I do"
and life as I knew it changed,
and I began a life I never imagined could be

1980 we added twin daughters to the Bill and Donnette Bondurant family
1983 we had another daughter
1987 brought our first son
1989 we welcomed our second son
1992 brought our baby girl
2014 we celebrated our last wedding anniversary together
37 years

for a few years I was in a state of limbo
we were supposed to be married at least fifty years
there were people who probably doubted we'd make it fifty days

without my husband, what did I do with August 6?
it was still the anniversary of the day I was married
it was still a day definitely worthy of celebrating

but I didn't know what to do with all of the feelings 

I finally came to the following realization:  
this date has no easy answers
so I allow myself to acknowledge and feel "it" all,
whatever "it" happens to be
because I never know what "It" will be

I will not allow the loss to consume me
to steal the joy of what is
so today,
August 6, 2021
I celebrate the day I married William Scott Bondurant

I thank God for the children and grandchildren that are part of that union
I thank God for the life I have now because of the life we chose then
and this year I get to do it with some of my kids and grandkids with me

we had Moriah's picnic
and Sarah brought me my favorite flowers 


  1. I love you and I’m wishing you a happy anniversary. Someday you’ll be with Bill again in heaven and rejoicing. I love you so much. Mary


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