and don't cry over a leaky faucet...

I turned on the faucet to wash my oatmeal pan.
Water is not supposed to come from there.
Big sigh.
 Almost tears.
Instead I problem solved.

I keep that mouse trap set, at all times.
Under the kitchen sink seems to be a favorite point of entry.
It wasn't supposed to be tripped and empty,
 nor should there have been mouse evidence under the sink.
Big sigh, extra laundry and dishes to clean.

Jonathan is out of town.
A recommended plumber was out of town.
I thought I knew what was wrong, I just couldn't get to it.
Or so I thought.
Garrett and Landon came over.
It was an easy fix.
The faucet had come unscrewed from the seat.
Garrett tightened it.
Then he dried up the water under the sink and checked for leaks.
Landon was his trusty assistant.

Water coming only from where it is supposed to come from.
Not the bottom of the faucet
not from my eyes.
It's so nice when things come together!

Garrett wanted to put everything back in its place.
I didn't want him to because I knew I could.
We wrestled for it, verbally, 
I won this time.
I am thankful for the people God has put in my life who love me well.


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