eggs(cellent) lesson

Karen and Keith's farm eggs are my favorites for several reasons:

I have never seen two that are exactly alike.
  • they may be similar, but they are, each one, unique
  • different shades
  • different sizes
  • different shapes
  • different shell textures
They are usually only days old when I purchase them. 

They taste better than eggs I get from the store.

They are beautiful.

They are a reminder to me of several truths: 
  • it's an egg because of what is inside the shell
  • the appearance of the shell does not determine the value I put on the egg 
  • being broken is not the end, but the beginning of being used

This post is not really about eggs...
"There is no longer Jew or Gentile, slave or free, male and female. For you are all one in Christ Jesus."


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