Lady and Ivy and HS Football

my dogs acted of character when I got home tonight
they literally pushed their way past me into the house
they never do that, 
even when it is cold,
unless there is a storm
or it is the week of 4th of July
and neither of those things fit tonight

I was tired
I was angry
I was frustrated
I was worried, they haven't eaten yet today
I was done with them
they are in my laundry room, 
door closed so they don't roam the house

I was ready to begin looking for homes for them
I feel like I can't take care of them
they are too big for me to wrestle
and there is no way I can pick them up
and the truth is, 
I haven't trained them well
and I am not interested in indoor pets

I was sitting on my couch,
recovering from trying to get them outside,
resigning myself to them sleeping in the laundry room
and I heard fireworks
what in the world?
then it clicked
High school football

our local team was playing for the regional championship
every time they score, 
even during regular season, 
fireworks are involved
the game is over
we won, 38-10
you do the math for the number of explosions

the moral of the story:
when someone acts out of character, 
even your pets, 
there is a 99% chance there is a reason behind the behavior, 
even if you aren't aware of what the reason is
don't be like I was tonight,
choose to be patient and kind

excuse me while I go apologize to Lady and Ivy...


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