sometimes God uses a hamburger

Today was one of those days my heart needed to speak to God for me because my brain didn't have the right words- actually, I know that the *Holy Spirit always intercedes and translates for me, but today it was more about my heart than my head needing an interpreter. 
*And the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. For example, we don’t know what God wants us to pray for. But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words. And the Father who knows all hearts knows what the Spirit is saying, for the Spirit pleads for us believers in harmony with God’s own will. Romans 8:26-27

And as this day comes to a close, I must acknowledge that I have been shown lavish love, in unexplainable ways.

A shopping trip with Anita that I hadn't planned on brought me to the perfect red cardigan. I've looked in vain for several years and we each got three free gifts!

After shopping we went for a hamburger at the bowling alley, (and a friend paid for our meals on their way out).  We shared an unbelievably delicious slice of homemade caramel pie, a good ending for a sweet evening.

Today has been a needed refresher course for me:
don't try and guess how God is going to supply a need (especially one you feel but can't fully identify)
 He sees. He knows. He cares.
This was one of the three gifts. A long sleeve tee shirt (one of my favorite articles of clothing) was in my mystery bag, a cute Christmas ornament was an open house gift and the sign was because I was the last of the first 25 customers. I opened it when I got home and my heart flinched. I quickly wrapped it back up. It seemed like I was being mocked because on our way to the boutique I told Anita that today was one of those days I really miss being married. The companionship. The company. The little extras that come from belonging to someone. After writing this post I realize it is a perfect reminder that I am loved. I am chosen. Forever and always by God. Knowing that brings joy that seeps into every crevice of my heart when I allow it to.


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