I didn't deserve this

It was a weekend unlike any other I've experienced. Thursday I saw pigs in the air and Friday night, a bear on the front porch, the kitchen window the only thing between us. Then, Saturday night as we sat in the gathering room we glanced out up and the tree tops looked like they were on fire, followed by a beautiful sunset.

We were eating a late dinner when we heard fireworks! 
Three of us stepped outside to get a better look. 

That's when I learned what "it sounded like a bear in the woods" actually means. 

I awakened to wooing this morning; "come join Me for sunrise."

It was cold.
I was tired.
I lasted about two minutes and went back to hibernate.
But the invitation kept being extended, so I got up and went back out. 
I am so glad I did. 
It was extraordinary.

look and listen for yourself
I thought God was done showering me with lavish gifts.
But He wasn't.
I heard it again.
A bear thrashing through the brush.
It passed right below the balcony I was on.

I tried to get a good video, but I was too excited and he was moving too fast. You might catch a glimpse in the middle of this quick clip, in the middle of the screen.

later I watch two squirrels play tag while I drank my coffee
this beautiful weekend with great friends was a special gift


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