Dance your dance

This morning I read a post I shared twelve years ago.

Today has been a day of low energy. My get up and go got up and went-without telling me it was leaving or when it will be back. Rude.

The gray, damp and chilly morning played a part in how I felt mentally and physically. Ibuprofen helped my body, the sunshine this afternoon helped my mood. I have spent the day resting and don't see the evening holding much more activity. This afternoon I identified what I'm feeling: I am in a holding pattern. I hear a whisper in my soul "wait". But I don't know what I am waiting for. And so I am trying to be patient. Aware. Connected. Engaged. I re-read the post this afternoon because it has lingered in my mind. Below is an edited version of the original.

November 18, 2009/2021
As I sped down the highway, delicate, quivering leaves caught my attention- not because they appeared frail or frightened- rather they appeared full of life and excitement that couldn't be contained. Like a child who has something to share they shouted:
"Look at me! Look at me!

They each held firm to their anchoring spot, moving with the wind as it gusted; slowed; swirled. When it was their turn, they let loose and danced their way to the ground.
A little farther down the road I saw an oak with its cumbersome limbs barely moving. At first I laughed because I thought it was trying to be a copycat and it looked like a lumbering giant trying to practice delicate ballet!
Later I realized it was dancing its own dance.
The leaves didn't quiver and they were plain brown ; obviously "done" for the year. Yet they held fast and I knew they would continue to do so until spring.
They will sway and dance a different dance.
A dance of perseverance;
And all winter long they will whisper, "rest; listen; wait; hold fast" as the cold wind blows. "Your time is coming; but until then, hang on tight. Be patient. God is not slow in keeping His promises. Spring is coming. Even if it appears to others that you are not useful or doing what you should be doing, hang on! When it's time, God will release you. Until then remember that He loves you. He is good. He is faithful. He keeps His promises. He is never late."
Quaking aspen.
Stately Oak.
Both have value.
Both have beauty.
Both are willingly, joyfully dancing the dance God designed for them. They are not comparing themselves to one another. They are not jealously watching one another. They are not trying to give one another advice on how it is supposed to be done. They are simply doing what God created them to do.They are reflecting the wonder and glory of God by simply being who they are.
Am I willing to do the same?
*I just realized I have never taken a picture of an oak in the fall. Why? It's leaves are often dull. Not eye catching. I've not considered them beautiful or interesting. Today, November 18, 2021 that's about to change.

This tree is in the little city park across the street form my home. Some of its leaves have fallen, a few have blown into my driveway and mingle with the neighbors maple leaves. Some on the oak will hold to the tree all winter. Another challenge to dance the dance God calls ME to dance with Him leading, and not get distracted, discouraged, frustrated or envious of the one those around me are dancing with Him.
and His goodnight embrace was breathtaking:


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