kindness matters

I placed a Sam's Club order Tuesday night from the comfort of my home. The majority of items are being shipped to my home, but there were a few things I had to pick up at the store today. (By the way, store pick up is one positive thing that has come out of COVID. Not only does it save me time, it saves me money. If I don't see "it", I am less likely to convince myself I need "it.") As I turned into the parking lot I noticed a group of young men standing at the corner. I don't know if they had just finished bringing orders out, if they were on a scheduled break or if they were simply hanging out, but what you see in the picture was about as much activity as I saw.
I followed the text prompts to alert someone I had arrived to pick up my order. A woman who looked to be close my age came out with a flat cart, not because I had a bunch of items, there were only four, but one of them was a 55 pound bag of dog food. I can't imagine a woman 60+ doing this job because they have nothing better to do with their time. I was concerned about and felt a bit guilty about the lifting she was going to do for me. I knew there was no way I could help her move that dog food and still be able to function. (One of my KCU boys will unload it for me.)

I didn't hear him, but before she had placed the two boxes of sugar cookie mix and the variety box of crackers in my trunk, one of those young men I thought was dawdling and unaware had joined us, saying "I'll get that dog food for you" as he approached. The woman didn't argue. She smiled as she replied, "I won't turn down an offer of help." I thanked Hunter as he walked away from us.
Walmart was the last of my five stops. I had two items to return and I was looking for a turkey-a rare bird these days. I made the returns but did not find a turkey. As I headed toward my car I noticed a woman who had just finished loading her trunk preparing to return her cart to the corral. I watched a young employee approach her and say "I'll take that for you". As I passed him I thanked him for his kindness. He seemed baffled by my comment.

Both of these events had the same affect. They made my heart smile. They added light to my day. They reminded me that no matter how dark the "world" wants to paint the culture around me, and bash this younger generation for being entitled and self absorbed, like most broad statements, it simply isn't true. There are a lot of good kids out there. There are some turds. But isn't that true of every generation?

Be aware.
Receive help graciously.
Speak appreciation.
Small acts of kindness have a huge impact.


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