beauty is more than skin deep

This isn't her, the woman I met last week at a small, local, second hand store. But this stock photo is as close as I'm going to get. She too was 96 years old.

Her attitude belied her age but the deep wrinkles that caressed her face, well actually all of the skin that was visible, bore witness to the truth that time leaves its mark. 

Her skin was almost bronzed, I am guessing from years of working outdoors. Her hands appeared strong, but showed evidence of arthritis. She walked stooped, almost doubled over, yet she seemed at least as tall as I am. Strength emanated from within her and drew me to her.

We chatted while we browsed and admired the trinkets and treasures waiting for new homes. We share some favorites. When I found out how old she was, I told her that was hard to believe. The owner confirmed her age and mentioned that this woman still drove her own car. When I said "amazing" she mentioned that macular degeneration was going to force her to stop driving soon.

She shared a little of her life while we shopped. We are both widows. I heard not one complaint from her lips. No bitterness. She spoke of thankfulness and praise, in spite of life's hardships. 

I wish I'd gotten her name. Her contact information. Asked if we could share a visit. She is one of the most beautiful women I've had the pleasure of meeting and I'm certain that every wrinkle has a story worth listening to and learning from.

she nailed it:
"Donā€™t be concerned about the outward beauty of fancy hairstyles, expensive jewelry, or beautiful clothes. You should clothe yourselves instead with the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God."
1 Peter 3:3-4


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