mmmm, that's good for my soul

Today's temperatures called for back porch sitting and flower gazing. I know it will get colder, outdoor activities will require bundling and the flowers will quit blooming so I took advantage of an early afternoon opportunity.

And then a storm front moved in.
Same temperatures, but 70 and sunny feels very different from 70 with complete cloud cover and wind, even if it is a gentle breeze. I moved inside.
I was restless for something else soothing. What could I do that would be health giving. Definitely not succumb to the temptation to make anything sweet. I have very little discipline when there are cookies or peanut butter fudge in the house. And retail therapy isn't a good idea either.

The answer came to me.
Hamburger in the freezer.
A microwave to defrost the meat.
Potatoes in the fridge.
That combined with a little garlic powder, minced onion, real butter and half and half.

Homemade potato soup, topped with shredded cheese makes great comfort food. 
And I still can't cook for one very well, so I'll have at least one more meal!
mmmm, mmmm, good


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