
fear of disappointment
"will they like the gift?"
are there enough lights?
are the ornaments well placed?
oh how I wish I could wrap better
and have I remembered all the food we will need?
these are the things that stress me out at Christmas

identifying them,
after years of wondering why I was a grinch,
wishing I could recapture the wonder of childhood Christmas
has helped me tremendously
this year I was excited
until today
and all of the "feelings" threatened to overtake my anticipation

I want my focus to be on Jesus because He is the reason, not only for this season, but why every day of my life is worth living. Sometimes I get distracted.

when I take time to reflect on His birth
I remember 
a young couple
expecting a child, God's Son,
forced to travel out of town at the end of her pregnancy
their shelter was a stable
the bed for their child, God's Son,
a manger, a feeding trough for animals

that doesn't sound "perfect" or ideal to me as a woman and mother,
it probably doesn't sound perfect to you,
and I bet it didn't sound perfect to them 
but it sure made God more approachable 
more accessible than a palace or temple birth

the most uncommon child ever born 
was born to common parents
in an unexpected place
nothing fancy
nothing flashy
warm and comfortable,
because people value their livestock,
just not a normal place for the birth of a human,
let alone this birth!

the only thing perfect about that first Christmas?
the One who was laid in the manger
the same is true today

This afternoon I was struck with a new thought:
People rejected the perfect gift of God then and people continue to reject Him now. The only thing that will bring the joy and peace and fulfillment we are seeking is a relationship with God through Jesus. He is "one size fits all" that will satisfy our deepest longings and desires, regardless of who you are, what you've done or where you've been. Shew, that kind of takes the pressure off of feeling like I need to get my gift choices 100% right....

O come, let us adore Him...
every day that He gives us breath here,
and forever after when He takes us home


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