when you know, you know

I can tell you how vast the ocean is...

I can tell you about the majesty of Mount Hood... 

and Multnomah Falls

I can try to capture and share the beauty of a sunrise

or sunset

or night sky

or any number of incredible sights,

not to mention words, touches, smiles, smells and countless things that cannot be photographed but are beautiful beyond comprehension

I am sure you have or can make your own list of  experiences that simply cannot be adequately described to someone else. 

I saw my first eagle with Anita 

We can read about things, watch videos or movies, listen to others talk about their experiences, but there's no comparison to being involved personally.

I experienced Multnomah Falls with Ruth and her family.

Today a friend asked if I'd ever used a neti pot or other sinus cleansing doodad. I tried to explain how it works. From a text I received this evening I realized I needed to add Neti pot to my list of things I don't have words to convey what it is like...

If you know, you know. And if you know, you can identify more fully with someone who has shared the experience. 

On a serious note...

There is no describing what it's like to be in a relationship with Jesus. I can tell you that there's nothing more meaningful in my life. I can try and explain the peace and comfort and confidence and joy and purpose that are mine in Him. I can talk about the ways He has worked and is working in my life. I can show you my prayer lists and share what I've learned from reading His word. But there is nothing like experiencing a living, breathing, growing relationship with Him yourself. That kind of relationship with Him will satisfy yearnings you can't identify. It will give you strength you didn't know you lacked. It provides peace that cannot be explained. It will make you aware of things not seen. It will take your breath away at times and provide courage to take the next breath when you think you can't. There is no substitute. And once you know, you know and we can share things we cannot share otherwise.

from Psalm 34
"I sought the Lord, and He answered me...This poor (wo)man cried, and the Lord heard (her) him and saved (her) him... Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good! Blessed is the (wo)man who takes refuge in Him! The Lord redeems the life of His servants; none of those who take refuge in Him will be condemned."


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