small kindnesses

On this stormy day, when many are facing tragedy and loss and I want to do something big to help, I was reminded of the power of being kind. Of how much of an impact choosing to do "small" things for others can be. 

It started when I went out to get my mail. My postman bypassed my mailbox with part of his delivery this morning.
He carried a small box to my porch rather than force it into my box. He not only walked down my drive to do that, he climbed the steps and put the package on my bench so it wouldn't get wet. He could have chosen to stuff it, saving himself that walk, or to simply put it on the porch where I have asked packages to be delivered. He chose to be kind and put in a little more effort.

That package was from a  friend who messaged me earlier this week "I'm sending you something for's just a little something..."
She chose to pay for 2 day priority mailing.
She wrote a note.
She handmade the three gifts that were inside.

My day is richer because of the "small" choices these two made.
It challenges me to think about my life.
I don't often have an opportunity to do big, showy, impressive things.
Today I was reminded, vividly:
There is no such thing as a "small" kindness. 


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