fairies, hugs and kisses

Starting mid morning the day got

My yearly "female check up" was at 1:30.

While I was there I found some things that are less appealing than waiting for the doctor in a room "dressed" in a thin paper gown,covered by a small rectangle of equally thin paper:

Having to cross off my husbands information on my paper work.

Having to explain to the receptionist why I was crying over the paperwork.

Having to explain to the girl who took my vitals why my blood pressure was up.

Explaining to the doctor why I was crying-
first time back to the hospital Bill was in, 
memories that come with the reasons a woman goes to a ob/gyn office, etc.

There really is no area of life that is not affected when you are grieving.

Sunshine, emotionally and mentally, is breaking through though. I have "seen" love in ways that have brought happy, thankful tears to my eyes.

I have a wood fairy.

Someone cut, split, delivered and stacked this wood for me while I was gone. (This just part of it.) I was not expecting it. I am not sure who is responsible. I do know I felt very loved and blessed when I saw it. I am counting it as a "God hug".

I heard someone knocking at the front door-
5 large Papa Johns pizzas- 
3 pepperoni and 2 with pineapple and chicken-
provided by some of my sweet family were delivered.
No one has to cook dinner tonight.
Soon some friends who have become family will be here to share pizza and part of their evening with me and the Funk family!

Shhh...don't tell anyone, but I am trying to decide if I will let anyone know about the hot 8" round chocolate chip cookie that was delivered with the pizza.
I was expecting pizza- 
The cookie is a "God kiss".


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