is there a Stop Leak for tears?

Someone decided last year that she would make December her month to take care of all of her health check ups.
My reasoning:
At least I would remember when to schedule my appointments if they are all in the same month.

Today was my yearly eye exam.

My eye doctor and his wife are friends I attend church with.
Every health care visit includes a common dread:
paper work.
Always have dreaded it, probably always will.
I dislike it even more now- 
the changes of marital status and 
emergency contact information,
which for some reason I have not anticipated for any of my visits,
is always enough to send me into tears.
It happened again today.
As I updated paper work.
As I sat in the room where they blow the puff of air into your eye.
As I sat in the room waiting on the optomotrist.
His wife came in to chat and the tears were brimming.
I asked her if she had any stop leak...
she smiled and gave me a hug.
But my eyes still leaked when I left the examining room
and sat making decisions about glasses.
I am thankful for Betsy.
She took me under her wing,
gave me her undivided attention, 
advice and care.
It didn't matter that my eyes were leaking-
she understood and let the tears fall without comment.
What a blessing that was.


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