Thankful for what is not ... and for what is

When we played our last home soccer game in October and we celebrated our seniors, I was thankful that Ruth had stopped playing after her sophomore year-otherwise I would have been walking her out on the field by myself.

When I went to the Christmas program tonight I was thankful none of our grand babies were part of it-attending it without Bill was hard enough without attending it watching them without him.

When I contemplate the spring I am thankful Ruth chose to marry Kyle two years ago and decided to not continue her education at that point. I am thankful I will not be facing the graduation of our baby by myself in a few months.

"And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, 
to which indeed you were called in one body. 
And be thankful. "
Colossians 3:15

I have to choose-
let/allow His peace rule in my heart or not.
I find then when I allow His peace to rule in my heart
it is much easier to be thankful.

I am thankful for the years we had together watching Ruth play. 

I am thankful we were able to be with our baby 
when she birthed her first baby.

I am thankful for the legacy of faith we have passed on, 
knowing that one day I will be at a Christmas program, 
without Bill, watching our grandchildren on stage. 
And, if the Lord tarries and doesn't call me home, 
chances are I will see a great grandchild on stage.

I am thankful I am not facing those things 
during this first year of this new life.
I am thankful for the peace I have in Christ.


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