moments are the foundation of memories

Moments matter.

The moment I first saw Bill.

The moments I spent watching for a glimpse of him at church.

The moment he walked purposefully toward me and asked me out.

The moments I spent leaning against his bent legs 
at the outdoor concert we attended on our first date.

The moments I spent riding in the tow truck with him.

The moment he told me 
"...I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

The moments we spent at the beach 

The moments we spent doing everyday things together

The moments we spent holding hands over the years.

One moment can make a memory.

Sometimes people only get a moment.

I do not take for granted that for us,

moments turn into minutes

minutes turn into hours

hours turn into days

days turn into weeks

weeks turn into months

months turn into years

years turned into decades

I am thankful for every moment we shared.


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