concrete limbs

Who loaded my limbs full of concrete this week?
Or filled them with lead-whichever is more dense.
They seem to be getting progressively heavier.

Maybe it is the weather. It has been gray and wet and chilly all week. 
I thought today was going to hold some sun peeking through, but it does not look promising.

Maybe it is the continuing process of  the installation of the new siding, windows (last one being installed right NOW!), gutters, etc. 
What the men have done looks wonderful and I am thankful they agreed to squeeze this project in. They had set aside the whole month of September to work on it. I had to ask them to wait until I was sure I could afford it.

Maybe it was traveling and being away from home for more than a week. 
I wouldn't have wanted to be anywhere else. Unless I could have been with my family on a warm, sunny beach.

Maybe it was/is the packing, cleaning, moving chaos. 
I am glad I am able to help.

Maybe it is recovering from the first Thanksgiving , thirteen weeks and three months without Bill falling on three consecutive days. 
How can it be that long, yet that soon ago?

Maybe it is the anticipation of the dinner coming up next week where Bill is going to be recognized posthumously with an award. We still have to fill out an information sheet.  I took the letter with me to Sarah's because I didn't know how to tell the kids and friends. 
We are making our reservations this afternoon.

Maybe it is knowing Christmas is coming and wrestling with lights on the borrowed tree, some working, trying to find out why the others didn't , deciding the best choice was to strip the tree of said lights and start over. Which has not happened because the lights are in the attic and my children would rather I not be climbing up there to drag them down and none of them have had time to get them for me.
Bill always did this part. As a matter of fact, for the last couple of years he was the tree decorator. I am NOT getting our ornaments out this year. Lights, lots of lights and maybe some new ornaments I bought last year or ornaments the grandchildren make. But not our boxes of ornaments.

Maybe it is trying to decide whether or not to send out Christmas greetings. 
And receiving the first ones this past couple of days.

Maybe it is knowing the fall semester at KCU is finished next week. 
It is always hard when my kids go to their other home.

Maybe it is a combination of all of the above and things left unwritten.
I am thankful I am not alone in any of this. 

"Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” 
Matthew 11:28-30


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