love looks like...

Love is HUGE , 
it cannot be fully captured-
but today I want to give you a glimpse 
of what love looks like in my life:

our wedding rings

our family December 29, 2012

our extended family June 2014

a representation of the many things people have given our family these past few months

I received two personal gifts in the mail today-
one from a woman I have never met.
I will be thinking of her kindness  
as I drink a yummy treat :)

And a beautiful clay figure and note 
from someone I have known for years.

(I have already ordered a nativity from her.

I may need to add angels...

and a shepherd and extra sheep.)

The common denominator? 

“This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends."
John 15:12-13

I am thankful for those 
who have chosen to walk alongside of us, 
loving us, crying for/with us and praying for us.
We love and appreciate you 
more than words could ever express.

My prayer for you:
that you walk with Jesus,
finding your worth and purpose in Him, 
and experience Love, Joy and Peace 
as you live this journey of life. 

and I want to share a gift 
 I found today-
it expresses some of what I find 
in my relationship with Jesus


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