glimpses of beauty from my week

       last Saturday morning I drove to Flatwoods
Addi Bug had her first Tee Ball game
she is playing first base in this photo

 after the game I had lunch with Jonathan's family
Addi and I shared a bench seat at Crisps
BTW-green Gatorade turns a tongue green

Ruth and I went to Easter Sunrise service
it was cloudy and misty
 but when I got home this greeted me 

I spent time with this family almost everyday

this girl loves Sam

this guy came to visit me at soccer practice Monday

so did little Miss Thang 

Thursday I gave X  a shoebox with sand and shells from our trip
to play with while Ruth and I worked
I was in the shed when I heard,
"look mom, he definitely is your grandson,
he wanted to walk in the sand and look for shells"
this made my heart smile big

I caught this little fella at practice Thursday
and brought  him home to share with X and Mia
then set him free

I found this gem on the wall of the shed once it was empty,
drawn by Hannah or Chloe about 9 years ago,
(organizing and purging continues)
I left it hanging,
how could I take it down?

these flowers are in one of the children's classrooms
I noticed them when I cleaned at church Friday
I remember doing this experiment with my kids
we need to be careful about what we soak up,
because it will affect a change in us

...and this tonight?
how is this possible???
Hannah is ready for Prom.
I blinked.
She grew up.


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