on this day, 37 years ago...

37 years ago today (April 8th)
life was about to change drastically
Bill and I walked out to the car on our way to church
it had rained on and off all day
there was a huge mud puddle in the driveway
and I fell in it
belly first
which made me mad
because I only had two outfits that fit me

I was a week away from my due date for our first baby
which we had found out that morning was actually going to be two babies
I went in and changed my clothes,
went on to church for the dinner and program
and afterward went and shared the good news with our parents
about this time (11:30 PM) 
we went to bed
a little after 2 AM I woke up to make a trip to the bathroom
on the way back to bed I realized my water had broken

we grabbed a beach towel for me to sit on and made our way to the hospital
at 9:42 AM Elizabeth Anne made her appearance
at 9:44 AM Sarah Christine joined her sister
soon after Bill called the church secretary
he told her "our baby, Elizabeth Anne weighed 5 lbs. 12 oz."
she was shocked, 
I was huge and our baby should have weighed more than that
she was even more shocked when he continued
"and her sister, Sarah Christine weighed 7 lbs. 1 oz."

Now we all know where they got their good looks from :) 

I am thankful for every day God has allowed me to be a mother
they haven't all been "easy days"
there were situations I wanted to ignore 
there were circumstances I wanted to avoid or hide 
there were periods of time when I wanted to run away from home
there were times I wondered "what did I get myself into?"
there were times I wished I could be anywhere other than where I was
there were times I thought I would lose my mind
there were days I was convinced I could not "do it" one more moment

then there were those "other" days and times
the first smile and all those that followed
"I love you mommy"
shared prayers and hopes and dreams and heartaches
snuggles, giggles, laughter and dance parties
mental, physical, emotional growth
maturity in all of those areas
decisions for Christ and spiritual growth
marriages and grandchildren

this thing called life is a wonderful gift
I know I don't deserve the one I've lived
and it makes me all the more thankful for it


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